Bring the beauty of spring into your home with our Spring Bouquet Club, featuring 5 weeks of fresh, beautiful flowers grown locally at Zekiah Ridge Farm & Flowers!
Our Seasonal Spring Blooms: Dianthus, Delphinium, Stock, Snapdragons, Status, Peonies, Queen Anne’s Lace, Straw flowers, Tulips, Daffodils, Ranunculus
Bouquet Club - Spring (5 Bouquets)
All sales are final.
Choose 5 out of 9 available weeks (May 2 - June 28) to pick up stunning seasonal bouquets at 1 of 2 locations:
Fridays 1pm to 6pm @ Zekiah Ridge Farm and Flowers
- Located at 11770 Charles St, La Plata, MD 20646 - home of Bliss in the Barn, our charming event venue!
Saturdays 9am to 1pm @ La Plata Farmers Market
- Located at 209 Washington Ave, La Plata, MD 20646
Scroll down for specific pickup dates.